# Zorn's Lemma, Axioms, Logos In mathematics, a lemma called "Zorn's lemma" exists. It basically says: Every chain has its maximal element. For example, in linear algebra, [basis] = [linearly independent] + [generating]. Hence if we start with a vector, and add a vector which is linearly independent to the set at each time, we get a chain {v1} <= {v1,v2} <= {v1,v2,v3} <= ... Zorn's lemma guarantees this chain ends, and that end is a basis. In fact, this is equivalent to Zorn's lemma. Zorn's lemma is also equivalent to Axiom of Choice, so it is actually an axiom. This kind of thinking is somewhat universal. Why we use an axiomatic system is an example. To prove a proposition, we must have assumptions. Then we have to prove those assumptions. This forms a chain. ... -> P2 -> P1 -> P0 (P0 is the original proposition) Will the chain end? I don't know. If you think it won't end, you will get an infinite regression. If you think it'll end, you will get an axiom. If you think chains are interdependent, you will get a circular logic, like Buddhists believe. However, Indo-European tradition says a chain will end. The end is an axiom. So math is the self-expansion of the axiomatic system. Indo-European tradition also says that one axiom implies every other thing. That is "Monad". Pythagoreans believed that it is the divinity itself. The monad is in the logos. The two are similar, but the monad is like a spark, while the logos is like a fire. A very famous verse in the bible about the logos exists. > In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and > the Word was God. > > KJV, John 1:1 Word is a translation of Logos. Thomas Aquinas said the Logos is literally god. Corpus Hermeticum says it is an idea of god. Pythagoreans, Gnostics, Neoplatonists also believed similar things. The logos, axioms, Zorn's lemma are all just variations of Indo-European tradition. You can deal with them seperately, but knowing the bigger picture is always astonishing.