# Your Life As A Currency > The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which > is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long > run. > > Henry David Thoreau, "Walden", Ch.1: ECONOMY When I thought of this quote today, I had a vision of a life being a currency. You use the currency to get things in your life. Time passing is an inflation. The value of newly minted supply goes down in the long term due to it. In the short term, it can go up. Like a day before your death. What you really have to budget is this currency. Not other typical currencies. This is not time management. Life is not time. It is more about quality than quantity. But yes, time can be useful to measure the quantity side of your life. I will do some experiments on budgeting my life. I'll post more if I found something.