# Why DeFi Sucks While I'm not against the original vision of DeFi (Decentralized Finance), the actual implementation sucks a lot. 1. It heavily depends on JS. It requires a heavy web browser. 2. There are no privacy and anonymity. Everything is transparent. 3. Many of the websites use Cloudflare. You can't use Tor. 4. It often crushes when traffic suddenly increases. 5. There are tons of rugpulls and scams. 6. Bridges and dApps are not that secure. 7. It is not truly decentralized. For example, it uses USDC. Therefore, DeFi is only marginally better than TradFi (Traditional Finance) if you use it correctly. I don't want it to die though. Having an alternative is always better. But besides money making, I don't advocate it at all. It's like FAKE INTERNET MONEY being an alternative to FAKE GOVERNMENT MONEY. Both suck so much. P.S. I underestimated how much TradFi sucks. It's unbelievable. You can't even send your money without an approval by the bank. Yes, DeFi is much better despite these defects.