# What To Eat When You Are Not At Home Do not waste your money on restaurants. I mean, I'm not against to try some local foods. But you don't HAVE TO. I also included more-than-short term solutions. ## Short term Digestive is the most efficient solution. Hardtack is an alternative. Especially if you bake it yourself. Assuming that you eat some food at home on the first day or/and the last day, you only need 2 packs of digestive for a 3 days trip. So make them as Every Day Carry with water / wet tissues. If you need more food, I recommend to buy a banana if you can. If you can dispose the skin, banana is very cheap and convenient. ## Mid term You need protein and fat. The best option is of course peanut butter. Take some multivitamins. Take dried fruits like raisin for fiber. In this situation, you can't eat the same foods again and again and again. You will mentally die if you do that. So I recommend plain whole wheat crackers as a bread alternative. You can eat them with anything you have. While you have the cheap price, you can add a lot of variety. If the space is a problem, I recommend tortilla. But remind that tortilla is not that cheap when you compare it with crackers. You can eat digestive too. I don't recommend it as a main food though. It doesn't work well with various types of food. You can't use it as a bread alternative. ## Long term You should do fishing, hunting, &c. Unfortunately, I don't have much experiences about these things. Sorry.