# Water Is The Most Important I recently read about how much Byzantines emphasized water for hygiene and how they made the water system for Constantinopolis. After reading it, I have realized that water is the most important. Water > Gas > Electricity. Your body is over 70% water. So water is extremely important for your body. If you can't drink water for 3-4 days, that alone will kill you. Similarily, with water alone you can grow plants! The water doesn't have to be that clean. With water you can have foods. Water means hygiene. In the end, hygiene converges to water. More water means more hygiene. Like Byzantines had realized. So stockpile wet tissues too. However, if you can't catch rainwater or other natural sources of water without going outside, going off-grid with water is very hard. In the case of electricity, it is quite easy if you got some know-hows to live without electricity. Also unlike gas, water consumes a lot of space and you can't just burn anything to substitute it. Water spoils quite fast too. Thus before stockpiling other things, you should stockpile at least 2 weeks of water (53L per person) and seriously think about how to get additional water first. Or how to save stockpiled water.