# Watayuri Anime Review Originally I was going to write this review right after the anime ends, but I had indefinitely delayed. After reading Surenaga's [review](https://surenaga.neocities.org/ota/watayuri) I thought I don't want to delay it anymore so I'm writing this. This is an anime-only review. If I start to write about the manga, it won't end or it will become too long. ## First impression It's Ogura Yui. I mean, yes it's Ogura Yui. Sorry for being a seiyuu otaku, but if you know Ogura Yui and her personality you will immediately understand. How the hell I couldn't realize right after the casting announcement? It's so much Ogura Yui that it feels like Ogura Yui acting herself as a role. I'm not saying she's actually decieving people, but her public image is quite Oshi no ko. ## Seiyuu Extraordinary. Besides the obvious Ogura Yui, they are all industry-verified seiyuus and did it great. Personally, when I read the manga I imagined Kanoko's voice a bit lower but that's acceptable. It was funny when some people refered Kanoko as "Blue Yaya" and her seiyuu is Tanaka Minami (She participated in Hanayamata). ## Music ### OP Classic Ogura Yui. The extra layer of vocal really worked well. ### ED They harmonized very well. I like the bell sounds in prechorus & chorus. Those were blessing. Also it was good that strings are not too strong. ### BGM Did what it is supposed to be very well. This might be only me, but aren't the soundtracks similar to Magia Record (game)? It was good that the soundscape is nothing like MariMite. ## Visuals ### Art style A lot more bright and shiny than the manga, but that's usual in an animezation. So it's acceptable. For an anime, it's good enough. ### Art quality So so. It's not especially good, but there was no noticable visual collapse. ### Animation So so. ## Direction I really like the PPT-like direction. The transitions from one scene to another were a lot like the transitions from one slide to another in PPT. Also I like that it shows a lot of archetypal symbols like tying the scarf of own petit soeur (little sister). Those were very nostalgic. I'm not in the generation of MariMite though. ## Story It follows the original story of the manga. So there is nothing special, but the original story is sufficiently good. A notable thing is that the final episode is more like OVA than the final episode of TVA. I mean, that was good but not impactful. Good fanservice though. Definitely needs another season. The relationships are not yet deep enough. Personally I like the "Hime <- Kanoko <- Sumika" arc but Sumika hasn't fully realized her feelings yet so... there should be another season. ## Overall It is good. I even rewatched all the episodes at once lol.