# Wabi-Sabi I don't know if I can explain correctly, but since there are many misunderstandings I want to explain as much as I can. ## Wabi Nobleness of being remote from the human society. The human society is overly complex, full of noises, desires, and dirty things. Wabi is free from all of them. It is the intellectual nobleness of a monk and a hermit. It is what you feel from reading Walden by Thoreau. It is frugal, clean, simple, quiet, &c. I think enoughness and satisfying are the most important. You already have enough, and that's the point. ## Sabi Appreciating of decline and fall. The most important point is the perception of eternity. If you think about eternity, you will know that everything in the physical world declines. I will die at some point, and this post will be forgotten. You will also die, and will become the nothingness. The universe will end in the future. Then here comes a question. "If everything declines and will become the nothingness, why do you live from the start?" Sabi is an answer. It says decline and fall are not bad things. Those make us sad and melancholic, but it appreciates that feeling. That feeling is called 'Hakanai'. Decline and fall are what give human humanity. Sure, everyone will be dead, but because of that the circle of life exists. Without death, we don't need a birth. I like late summer. Because after that the sun of the year will start to die, and other lives will die too. The death of the sun makes late summer special, fall and winter melancholic, because it is a fall of lives. What I feel from fall and winter is Sabi, and the overall feeling of [late summer - fall - winter] is Hakanai. However, what you shouldn't forget is that fall-winter is not a bad thing. It is just a part of the cycle, and makes a whole with spring-summer. Going through the cycle is the life. Denying the cycle is denying the life. A cup may have scratches, but those are a history of the cup. Removing the scratches means removing the history, and denying the life. The cup will be broken in the end anyway. Embrace and appreciate the scratches. Sabi appreciates natural body over plastic surgery too. This example is very modern though. You can be more beautiful with a plastic surgery, but you will be ugly as you get old anyway. A plastic surgery objectifies our body, and removes our individuality too. Do not try to artificially fix. Embrace and appreciate the flaws. White hair and wrinkles are beautiful.