# Trust The Reason And Dismiss Experiences Experience is what you INVENT. Suppose that you look the moon while you are moving. You will see that the moon also moves with you. Does the moon actually moves with you? No. In this case, what you did was INVENTING an experience with your reason. To say exactly, you invented an alternative natural interpretation. By that, the old evidence which PROVES that the moon moves with you is now a new evidence which CONTRADICTS to it. If the moon actually moves with you, what you saw will be different. This is what exactly happened in the scientific revolution. What Copernicus was right about is that he dismissed all the experiences and trusted his own reason only. Galileo was good at changing the natural interpretation of people too. For example, Aristotelians pointed out that if you drop a ball at the top of a tower, the motion will be a free fall. Then Galileo said that if you drop a ball on a moving ship, the motion will be a free fall. So what can we learn from this? We can learn that "Data-driven" is not as good as you think. There is no objectivity. Everything is theory-laden and only inter-subjectivity exist. So if you want to be "objective", the only thing you could do is allowing all the schizo theories to compare with. The earth may be flat and people may be able to use telepathy. I'm not saying that you should trust every schizo theory though. Just compare your thoughts with them. You need external criteria. However if you fell into a schizo theory, that's not a bad thing. Parmenides was a hardcore autist. But he somewhat expected the theory of relativity. Also, there are hyper autistic people who don't believe the infinity exists. But their theories are useful for computer science. Everything should be finite in that case. Finally, there would be a severe limit for AIs. I'm highly suspicious that an AI would be able to INVENT an experience. An AI is basically an automatic (non-parametric) statistics machine like applied statisticians say. So how can an AI INVENTS an experience, not just fetch from it?