# Throw Out Your Assumptions Occam's razor. If there are more assumptions, the probability of a ll being simultaneously true will be lower, and the theory will be less general and more complex. So choose a hypothesis that assumes the least. This razor is not only for theories. It is much more general. For example, if a plan or a method requires many steps (Let's dismiss the size of each step for simplicity), that means it assumes all t he steps will succeed. Thus the probability of total success will be lower than a simple plan or method. Similarily, if a tool has m any parts, it is more likely to fail than a simple tool. And a too l for specific situations is less useful than a tool for general s ituations. Because it assumes more. So this is more like a worldview. Maybe I could call it "logical m inimalism". But the principle is simple. It's just "Cut your assum ptions. Remove your assumptions. Throw out your assumptions." Throw out your assumptions.