# The World Is Beautiful I'm reading Pythagoreans now. Originally I was going to post after I finish the reading. But since it moved me a lot, I couldn't hold on. Pythagoras is the true master. Plato is fake. Well not entirely fake. But at most Plato is just his biggest pupil. There are many great things in Pythagoreanism. But what influenced me the most is that THE WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL. With the most convincing reason "Because the world is full of numbers". Full of light. Pleroma. All we have to do is to follow the divine light. NUMBERS ARE IMMANENT. It's a shame that Plato made them transcendental. If I mimick Palamas, maybe the essense of numbers is transcendental while their energies are immanent. Geometry, Music, Astronomy are the exemplars. Especially music. Music is "Numbers in time". With 1:2 you get an octave. With 2:3 the perfect fifth. With 3:4 the perfect fourth. And so on. Within music you can EXPERIENCE numbers. It gives you katharsis. This means that numbers influence your soul. Or more importantly the Will. It's a magick. Within music, some ratios make you excited. Other ratios make you sad. So numbers have qualities. Quantity and quality are the same! Every number has its corresponding value and meaning. Hence each position of planets also has its meaning. Because astronomy is "Numbers in space and time". The music of planets. Pythagoreanism makes Hermeticism extremely clear. I even want to call it the gnosis. I think the essences of them are the same. But in the end I follow Hermeticism. I'm not going to follow some random Pythagorean teachings like "Do not eat beans". From now on I will ditch Gnosticism for Pythagoreanism. Now I think that the cosmos is beautiful. It's just that most people do not follow the universal order. Thus for my perennial inquiry, I'm going to change the route from Hermeticism -> Gnosticism -> Buddhism -> Hinduism -> ... to Hermeticism -> Pythagoreanism -> Neoplatonism -> ... . I might arrive at Gnosticism again after Neoplatonism. But in this new route, I think the orthodox church would be the next. Though I still think that Gnosticism and Hindu religions have lots of truths. Also I have dismissed social harmony. I have been an individualist who pursues strong independence. But after I met Pythagoreanism, it somewhat has changed. If it means implementing the golden ratio with the human society, I will pursue the social harmony. Imagine the human society as a lyre. The mousike of humans!