# The Translations Of The Words I now use the terms of the ancient Athenian calendar. So I'll post these English translations for you. But only the terms. Not to confuse the readers, for date I'll still use the Gregorian calendar. You might not be used to lunisolar calendars. Therefore using these terms for the months on a solar calendar is in fact just an approximation. For example, a new year starts at the winter solstice on this website. But on the ancient Athenian calendar a new year starts at the first new moon after the summer solstice. ## Kheimon - Winter * Gam = Gamelion - January * Ant = Anthesterion - February * Ela = Elaphebolion - March ## Eiar - Spring * Mou = Mounuchion - April * Tha = Thargelion - May * Ski = Skirophorion - June ## Theros - Summer * Hek = Hekatombaion - July * Met = Metageitnion - August * Boe = Boedromion - September ## Phthinoporon - Autumn * Pya = Pyanepsion - October * Mai = Maimakterion - November * Pos = Poseideon - December