# The Probability Is 0 POSSIBILITY DOES NOT MEAN PROBABILITY. I think this is a common sense for people who have studied math in university. But surprisingly general population don't know it at a ll. I don't know how to explain this more easily. So if you don't unde rstand the terms please search them. Suppose you pick a real number between 0 and 1. What is the probab ility of the number being 1? 0. It is easy to explain since (Finite) / (Infinite) = 0 anyway. More over, the probability of the number being a rational number is sti ll 0. Also easy to explain. (Countable) / (Uncountable) = 0. In fact, what determines a probability is the length of a set. Or area, volume, &c. We call it "Measure" in general. The set {1} is nonempty. But the length of it is 0. A point has no length. Thus the probability is 0. Similarily, although the set of all rational numbers between 0 and 1 is infinite, the probability is still 0. Since the countable uni on of measure zero sets is still measure zero. It is the countable union of each point ({1}, {1/2}, &c.) which is measure zero. More unintuitively, although Cantor set is even uncountable, the p robability of the number belonging to the set is still 0. The leng th (based on Lebesgue measure) is 0. However, the probability of the number being between 0 and 1/2 is 1/2. Since the length of [0,1/2] is 1/2. Therefore for infinite cases, possibility does not mean probabilit y. Also those are far more geometric than finite cases.