# The Best Introduction To Representation Theory is Cayley's theorem. I don't know why textbooks don't emphasize this. Everyone should learn this while studying group theory for the first time. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Thm (Cayley's theorem). Every group is isomorphic to a subgroup of a symmetric group. ------------------------------------------------------------------ pf) Set m: G -> S(G), m(x) = m_x where m_x: G -> G, m_x(y) = x*y. Then m is an injective homomorphism. In other words, G is isomorphic to a subgroup of S(G). Then for finite cases, you already know that S(n) is isomorphic to the matrix group of n*n permutation matrices. Ex) S(3) is isomorphic to the group of 3*3 permutation matrices, |1 0 0| |0 0 1| |0 1 0| |0 1 0| |0 0 1| |1 0 0| |0 1 0| |1 0 0| |0 0 1| |1 0 0| |0 1 0| |0 0 1| |0 0 1| |0 1 0| |1 0 0| |0 0 1| |1 0 0| |0 1 0| . So you already know that every finite group is isomorphic to a matrix group. In other words, you can represent every group element as a matrix. This also means that you can regard every group element as a transformation acting on a space. Since you can regard a matrix as a coordinate of a linear map.