# Study Math It's quite difficult to explain, but I think anyone who seriously has studied math would agree on this. People who haven't studied math mostly can't think outside of their experiences. People can think about a specific triangle they saw, but can't think about triangle as a concept itself. To go further, people can think about specific places, but can't think about the space itself. Or even n-dimensional spaces. People can't imagine a space other than the typical 3-dimensional Euclidean one. Of course there are exceptions. And I know that those exceptional people are often related to religion. Speaking of religion, math is actually the closest thing to religion. Especially for an atheist. So study math. What you will study totally depends on yourself, but at least study a serious subject. Maybe if you haven't studied math before, Euclid's Elements would be a good start. It's much more than geometry. And since major part of it came from Pythagoreans, you can see their minds too.