# Search Engine Bias Search "The Earth is flat" on every website that has a search bar. If the result shows flat earthers or it doesn't show anything because of no data, that's fine. Regardless of the truth, if a person searches something, search engines should show relavent results. DITCH EVERY WEBSITE THAT EMPHASIZES 'DEBUNKING CONSPIRACY THEORIES' OR SOMETHING! I realized that even Mojeek is biased. I know that they don't censor. But it does not mean the result is unbiased. They emphasize Wikipedia after all. In contrast, the top result of * Wiby - "Wikipedia is the Ministry of Truth" by Dig Deeper * PeerTube - "the earth is FLAT." So mainly use these instead. For PeerTube, use SimpleerTube. The software is dead, but there are still some instances. Sepia search is OK but it contains JS.