# Search Engine Bias Search "The Earth is flat" on every website that has a search bar. If the result shows flat earthers or it doesn't show anything beca use of no data, that's fine. Regardless of the truth, if a person searches something, search engines should show relavent results. DITCH EVERY WEBSITE THAT EMPHASIZES 'DEBUNKING CONSPIRACY THEORIES ' OR SOMETHING! I realized that even Mojeek is biased. I know that they don't cens or. But it does not mean the result is unbiased. They emphasize Wi kipedia after all. In contrast, the top result of * Wiby - "Wikipedia is the Ministry of Truth" by Dig Deeper * PeerTube - "the earth is FLAT." * LBRY - "The Earth is flat (channel)" . So mainly use these instead. For PeerTube and LBRY, use SimpleerTube and Librarian. The softwar e are both dead, but there are still some instances. Sepia search is OK but it contains JS. Odysee is basically a tracking site.