# Schizo And Reality I have always said that being a schizo is a good thing. But why? Schizo means a person who sees delusion, hallucination and that kind of things. However, does a non-schizo see only (or at least mostly) truths? I'm very suspicious about it. Since we don't know almost everything in the world. If we know, why do people do research? So we do not actually know what is real. Then how can you distinguish between reality and delusion most time? This shows that what people call "reality" is just a social construct. For example, Terry believed that no randomness exists in the world. God determines everything. So he made a program "god says" which picks random words from a text file. God choose the words so that we can communicate with god. This is a typical schizo story. But how can you say that this is not real? We don't have actual knowledge on this topic at all. But people say this is a delusion since it is not a socially accepted "reality". So I think schizos are people who are free from forced "reality". Or I could say they are "based". "Based" is more about good, but schizo is more about truth. They are independent thinkers.