# Save Money By Being A Hikki OK, the title is a bait, but the vision is true. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY NOT GOING OUTSIDE! Unless you live in the country so that outside is full of forests and farms, usually outside is full of shops. So it's highly possib le that you would enter one of those shops. Then if you entered a shop, it's highly possible that you would buy at least one item. A nd even transportation costs money. But you can prevent this simply by not going outside as much as po ssible! Or if you do a remote job, you can go 100% hikki. I don't recommend 100% hikki though. Because you can't do aerobic exercise in your house and you have to shop online which doesn't accept phy sical cash and is a bloated botnet. However, being a half-hikki is a great decision. You can avoid physical botnets like CCTV too. In fact, staying home as an act cuts the dependency on the system sin ce it reduces interactions with the outside world. Of course, the end goal should be moving to the country, but I kno w that not everyone can do it immediately. But you might be able t o stay home today. Do it today and do not spend your money to redu ce your dependency on the economic system.