# Rub Olive Oil To moisturize, you don't need anything more than olive oil. It is the ancient Greek way. Olive oil is a gift from god. By rubbing olive oil, you can become a god. Use it like a conditioner. After cleanser / soap / shampoo / whatever else, rub olive oil and wash out with water. Much better than any moisturizing creams. You can use it for shaving too. Try to shave armpits with it. Note that you need only few drops for hair. I recommend you to start with just 1 drop. Add another drop until it is optimal. When you rub you might not be certain if it is enough. But when you wash out, it will be distributed evenly. You will realize that even 1 drop is not that little. Also you can make a soap with additional ingredients. I haven't tried yet though. So I can't say anything. You don't need tons of things those merchants sell. You need only simple things. You can easily understand the process and the effects. You can have a control.