# Post-Scarcity Has Already Come 10kg of peanut butter costs about $70. How about flour and multivitamin? How about salt and water? Everyone can live in abundance if one ever tried. Then why do poor people exist? A 16TB HDD costs about $200. How many 480p videos can you put in it? Or even 720p? But people don't live like that because they use SSD and 4k videos and call it "progress". I guess it is a conspiracy to maintain scarcity. So they can maintain the current system based on scarcity. A system based on the continuous "progress". If everyone buys 10kg of peanut butter, the current system would collapse. Then let's move from the physical domain. When it comes to artificial scarcity, "intellectual property" is a typical one. It is an oxymoron. Why properties exist? Because things are scarce so that you can't use them while others are using or having them. But you can copy information infinitely. So naturally it can't exist. It is an artificial one. An artificial scarcity to implement a market economy. If we need to support creators, just directly give them money. Since it is artificial, there is a natural response called "piracy". Piracy is a civic duty to help the poor and reduce wastes. Moreover it is about implementing Arete. It is also a profitable civil disobedience. You can save money by doing a civic duty. Stop wasting your money on books, music, &c. Download books on LibGen and papers on Sci-Hub. Or you can use torrent. An e-book reader costs few hundreds and much less if it is used. It can have tons of books that you can't read all. It lasts YEARS. Just don't discard it ONLY BECAUSE NEWER DEVICES CAME OUT. Alternatively you can buy a printer and print. If you want music, use Soulseek, torrent, or even YouTube. It doesn't have to cost. As Thoreau wrote, primitive people had their own houses but modern people do not. Then can you really call a civilization progress? We should realize that post-scarcity has already come. Throw all the artificial scarcity away. We have nothing to lose but our chains. We have a world to win.