# Ousia-Energeia In Palamism of the orthodox church, there is a distinction between god's ousia-energeia, i.e. essence-energies. God's ousia is totally transcendental and incomprehensible since it's not a part of this world. However, god is the only source of truth, good, beauty and you can experience divinity with all those things in this world. That means, you can experience god's energeia in this world. When I was daydreaming, I realized that I can apply this concept to myself. Think of Stirner's definition of ego as "creative nothing". You can't know the essence of yourself. What is your "ousia"? I don't know about myself either. Then think of pragmatic maxim. By that maxim, you are equal to all the consequences of your existence in this world. So I could call this your "energeia". You can experience only my energeia from my posts. Well, those are my energeia themselves too. About my ousia, I don't know that either. That's a creative nothing. If we apply this to things, ousia becomes like "thing-in-itself" by Kant. Or I could interpret them as the Platonic ideas, i.e. the direct objectifications of will by Schopenhauer. And will itself is incomprehensible.