# Optimization Is Teleology Optimization = Teleology. This is not an inclusion. This is an equal. First of all, if you accept teleology then the purpose optimizes e verything. So it obviously induces an optimization. Conversely: An optimization problem consists of two things. 1. The objective function 2. Constraints An optimization is literally just maximizing or minimizing the obj ective function with given constraints. For example, you can maxim ize your sleep (the objective function) while you don't miss out y our schedules (constraints). So as you can see, min/maximizing the objective function works as a purpose. And that's especially teleological if solving an optimi zation problem is not to optimize something, but to explain and to induce the results. A typical example is the principle of least time. It means that a ray always follows the path which minimizes the traveling time. It is clearly an optimization problem. And it is not about "how to op timize", but about "why the results are true". So it induces teleo logy. Similarily, the principle of least action is an optimization problem that is to explain the results. Another example is economics. Surprisingly, economics uses Lagrang ian too (!). Since economics assumes that people are rational, peo ple optimize everything. As a result, if you solve any optimizatio n problem in economics, the solution will be the market equilibriu m. How magical! So in this case, everything happens to make market be efficient. The last example is linguistic economy. It means that people simpl ify languages as long as it doesn't hurt clarity. It is an optimiz ation problem in which the objective function is linguistic comple xity and the constraint is clarity. And it induces teleology. Ever y linguistic event happens to simplify the language. OK. But aren't there still optimization problems that are about ho w to optimize? In fact, the difference between those two types is just points of view. For example, you can think the maximizing sleep problem obje ctively. You can explain your actions as following the biological purpose. Regardless of points of view, the optimization problems a re mathematically the same.