# On Seasons, Eternal Truth, Theories Each season means each part of life. Each year means a life. Different years mean reincarnation. > O son, how many bodies have we to pass through, how many bands > of demons, through how many series of repetitions and cycles of > the stars, before we hasten to the One alone? > > "The Way of Hermes", p.33 "Seek eternal truth", Hermes Trismegistus said. Seek truths that will be still true in the next year, the next life. Maybe the next world, who knows? However, all we can have are theories. There should be the true knowledge and the true theology (Prisca theologia), but I accept it as something like Platonic forms. A theory can have a part of it, but never can become itself. But it also means that each theology of different religions can contain each different part of the true theology. So is each theory for the true knowledge. The best way we can do is having as many theories as possible and synthesize them.