# Number Theory Is The Purest > Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is > the queen of mathematics. > > Carl Friedrich Gauss Algebraic number theory is like ABSTRACT algebraic geometry. I like it because of that, but sometimes I hate it because of that. Some are purely abstract nonsenses. It is for schizos. Analytic number theory is like ARITHMETIC complex analysis. It is really disgusting to me, because I don't like analysis. If you are a masochist pervert who feel pleasure from complex calculations, it is for you. It is for autists. Number theory is where schizos and autists meet. Like [this video] [0] says, it is the most anti-centric and truly revolutionary field. Number theory is for literal madmen and weirdos. I can't imagine a neurotypical person studying something like higher dimensional class field theory. But that is basically what math is. Number theory is the purest math. [0]: http://lbry.vern.i2p/@Jreg:2/autismophrenia-end-phase-neurodivergence:a