# Natural Time Units I ditched all the clocks in my home today. I felt that the time measurement we usually use is too artificial. I want to use natural units like Planck units for everyday life. Who cares about a second? But unfortunately Planck units are too impractical for everyday use. By trying to find natural time units, although I know that it's too obvious, I realized that sun & moon literally work like the metric tensor for the earth. Imagine the sun & moon being O(1,3) itself... Hence ironically I will introduce traditional time units on this post. However, in their original (traditional) forms. Not the forms in the modern science. So let's start. ## Base The base units are only Day, Year, and Month. Other units are all derivatives. ### Sun I think I don't need to explain these at all. But to be traditional and suitable for everyday use, you should think geocentrically. * Day * Year ### Moon * Month = (1 lunation) ~ 29.5 days ~ (1 zodiac sign) Lunation means lunar cycle. Note that "Mon" in Month means moon. ## Derivatives I don't know if I could call this a derivative, but * Menstrual cycle ~ (1 lunation) Since (the average) ~ 28.5 days. This would be the biggest reason of why the moon is feminine. But the standard deviation is quite large. As above, so below. * Week = (a quarter of lunation) So (New moon) -(Waxing half) -(Full moon) -(Waning half) -(New moon) is (4 weeks) = (1 month). Since (1 week) ~ (7 days) and there are exactly 7 classical planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn), each day of a week represents each classical planet. * Hour (Day hour) = (1/12 of sunrise-sunset) (Night hour) = (1/12 of sunset-sunrise) (Day) = (12 day hours) + (12 night hours) The use of 12 is because of (Year) / (Lunation) ~ 12. It's quite arbitrary. Each hour represents a classical planet. Similar to a week, but this includes duplications. For more information, check [Cidoku's post][0]. ## Intercalary months To sync solar and lunar calendar, you need the intercalary months. For every 32.5 months you need 1 more month. In ancient Athenian calendar, they added a month on 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19 -th year of every 19 years cycle. In Hindu calendar, it's 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 16, 19 -th year. If you want to know other cases, search yourself. I can't list everything. [0]: https://cidoku.net/notes/planetary_hours