# My Cognitive Functions I did Sakinorva Cognitive Function Test. Here is the result which I sorted. ## Functions Ni 45 Fi 38 Ti 35 Ne 25.2 Te 23 Fe 18 Se 15 Si 4 ## My MBTI type (grant) function type INTJ myers function type INTJ myers letter type IN(TP) INTJ. Ni-Te-Fi-Se. My Te is weak. But also are other extroverted functions. Te > Fe is not clear, but I usually get that on other tests. Also Fi >= Ti. Maybe my Ti is as strong as Fi because I do math. ### Characters e n f p -34.2 52.4 -17.35 11.45 -3.67 4.06 -1.1 0.38 z z z z 4.06 -4.15 -0.61 -0.07 39.6 -49.2 -4.9 2.2 i s t j I,E and N,S are outside of +- 3 sigma. To explain about sigma, [+- 1 sigma range] ~ 67%, [+- 2 sigma range] ~ 95%, [+- 3 sigma range] ~ 99.7%. For almost every experiment, [+- 3 sigma range] means everything that can naturally occur without assuming. 3 sigma is a criterion. If a statistic is outside of that range, it cannot naturally occur. So the hypothesis must be true. In social science, they use 2 sigma instead. It's because they can't get more data by simply repeating experiments. The 2 sigma range corresponds to P=.05 criterion, which has a lot of problems. The result says I No doubt about it N No doubt about it T Kind of uncertain. P Bound to be inconsistent. So IN(TP) for characters. Since T,P,J are even inside +- 1 sigma, those are just noises. By the way, when you determine your type, you should do it with functions. This result is just a reference for my character preference. ## Similarity INTJ 79.25 INFJ 74.75 ENFP 64.75 ISFP 64.25 ISTP 61.75 INFP 61.65 ENTP 61.25 INTP 59.15 ENTJ 56.75 ENFJ 51.25 ESFP 41.75 ESTP 38.25 ESTJ 28.55 ISTJ 25.45 ESFJ 23.05 ISFJ 20.95