# mpv.conf `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` profile=sw-fast vo=sdl hwdec=no scale=ewa_lanczossharp cscale=ewa_lanczossharp fps=29.970 # Low-latency untimed framedrop=no #fps=60 no-demuxer-thread vd-lavc-threads=1 video-sync=audio interpolation=no cache-pause=no demuxer-lavf-o-add=fflags=+nobuffer demuxer-lavf-probe-info=nostreams demuxer-lavf-analyzeduration=0.1 video-latency-hacks=yes fs volume-max=250 sub-visibility=no #audio-channels=1 screenshot-template='%F%wM%wS' [extension.webp] loop [extension.jpg] loop [extension.jpeg] loop [extension.png] loop [extension.gif] loop [extension.mp3] no-video [extension.opus] no-video [extension.m4a] no-video [extension.flac] no-video `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The main purpose is to reduce latency, and to use only CPU. Reduci ng latency really makes a difference. This is not about mpv, but t urning audio files into opus with "-frame_duration 2.5" in ffmpeg really helps you. Even without that option, opus has very low late ncy. I use only opus, except for archiving. For CPU vs GPU, GPU is harmful. Its process is hidden, and it makes things complex. Think about GPU supporting problems in *nix. The options below "#Low-latency" contain all the options in "profi le=low-latency", except "audio-buffer=0". The exception is because it desynchronizes between a video and an audio. The manual says "s peed=1.01" is good, but it also desynchronizes. "profile=sw-fast" is very helpful for software decoding. For fps, I use 30000/1001 = 29.970. It is the fps of TempleOS. I also tried "audio-channels=1", mono audio. But I realized that I'm not on tha t level. For scales, ewa_lanczos* are the best. I'm only using ewa _lanczossharp, because I like sharp images. For vo, SDL is the bes t option for OpenBSD, because I don't use "vo=gpu". "vo=x11" tears .