# Modern Portfolio Theory And Index Funds Summary of Modern Portfolio Theory: "Diversify". Modern Portfolio Theory is all about maximizing the expected return at any given risk. Or minimizing the risk at any given expected return. So it's just solving a type of optimization problems. Expected returns follow a normal distribution (lol). If you assume otherwise, it is Post-Modern Portfolio Theory (lmao even). The standard deviation is the risk. And [Risk of an asset] = [The market risk] + [The individual risk]. But you can remove the individual risk if you diversify the portfolio. Therefore linear combinations of the market portfolio (an idealized index fund) and the risk-free asset (an idealized short-term government bond) gives you the solution of these optimization problems. Because you removed every unessential risk for any expected return. On the risk-return plane, the line made by those linear combinations is called the capital market line. And it is the tangent line from the 100% risk-free portfolio to the efficient frontier (the curve that consists of risk-efficient portfolios without the risk-free asset). Long story short, Modern Portfolio Theory says that you should buy just index funds and nothing more. You can explain it with Efficient Market Hypothesis too. If free market is really that efficient, why don't you have just the market portfolio? It's efficient! Is it true? Well, it is somewhat justified by data. In the long term, most investors (including professional fund managers) actually cannot beat the market. But like Nassim Taleb criticizes, the normal distribution assumption is unreal and it is not immune to a black swan. As usual, historical data is overrated in the theory. He recommends the barbell strategy for a black swan instead. It is basically [90% doomsday prepper] & [10% YOLO crypto gambler] strategy. By that, you can get insane returns when a black swan happens while you can limit your loss to only 10%. Also, for a resource allocation of the economy, this is terrible too. You can call it "market conformism" or even "market totalitarianism". It's like betting on students for the next exam by allocating the exact amount of how much each student got on the previous exam. However, as a tool, I think it's still very useful. Although I don't believe it at all, I don't think that it is 100% false and gives you no insight. At least diversifying actually works. If you don't like it, then just use other tools.