# Might Might Be Right This was my maladaptive daydreaming of today. Although there have been laws and cultures on the surface, the mai n factors of human societies always have been force and sex. Even for now. Maybe as Nietzsche said, will to power might be the actua l reality of the world. History is written by the victors anyway. However, at this point Jesus comes in. He was an antithesis of thi s cruel world. He said that love, not force, will change the world . He teached that if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. If you think about this, you will soon realize that following Jesu s at that time was not just believing in god. It was more about tr ying a fundamentally different way of life. Although I'm not a Chr istian and I don't believe Jesus is lord, I really like and respec t this revolutionary radical Jesus. Maybe I have read Tolstoy too much.