# Might Might Be Right This was my maladaptive daydreaming of today. Although there have been laws and cultures on the surface, the main factors of human societies always have been force and sex. Even for now. Maybe as Nietzsche said, will to power might be the actual reality of the world. History is written by the victors anyway. However, at this point Jesus comes in. He was an antithesis of this cruel world. He said that love, not force, will change the world. He teached that if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. If you think about this, you will soon realize that following Jesus at that time was not just believing in god. It was more about trying a fundamentally different way of life. Although I'm not a Christian and I don't believe Jesus is lord, I really like and respect this revolutionary radical Jesus. Maybe I have read Tolstoy too much.