# Mathematical Will Music as "numbers in time" makes you excited or sad. Your soul resonates or makes a harmony with outside numbers such as music. Then what if will itself was mathematical? What if the feelings themselves were numerical properties? So every feeling is a numerical state. And you can study it by studying the ratios in music and how those ratios affect your soul. Conversely what if numbers were the outward expressions of will? What if every number had a sentiment? Then arithmetic might be the most sentimental study ever existed. It makes sense because numbers are beautiful. Mathematics is an art. What if Apollonian vs Dionysian dichotomy was totally fake? What if numbers and will were actually the same? Will is the inward expression and numbers are the outward expressions of the same thing. The statement itself is nothing new. But in this time, will is no longer an essence. It is also a representation. Just inward. Maybe I could call this unison just NUMBER.