# Knead Make a body and breathe a soul into it. It is the exemplar of creation. It is where Peras & Apeiron, Form & Matter, Actuallity & Potentiality, Sulphur & Mercury came from. If you knead, you will understand. Nigredo is grinding wheat into flour. Albedo is kneading to make it into a whole. Citrinitas is shaping the dough. Rubedo is baking. If you can try pottery, do it. Even making a clay doll would give you an insight and the joy of creation. Compared to it, woodenware is destructive. Via positiva vs Via negativa. Action vs Reaction. Baking is doing pottery with flour. Since pottery predates agriculture. It gives you life via the foods. Compared to other cooking processes, baking is pure creation. Get a dutch oven and bake a bread. Making pasta is also fine. Things like orecchiette are very easy to make. Knead and participate in the creative force. The force which governs the whole cosmos.