# Just In Time Life 2 types of compilation method exist. One is Ahead Of Time (AOT), a nd the other is Just In Time (JIT). AOT compiles before you run th e program. JIT compiles when you run the program. A similar concept is Eager evaluation and Lazy evaluation. Eager e valuation evaluates when it meets "1+1" in the program. Lazy evalu ation does not evaluate until it meets "Print 1+1". To do that, it must do 1+1 first. Browsers have lazy loading too. If you enable lazy loading, images or frames come out after you scroll down. Before that, it doesn't load anything. AOT is beforehand. It can prefare before it runs. It can optimize deeply. However, JIT is usually better for resources. Of course, not always. Lazy evaluation needs a stack, but eager evaluation do es not. Also, JIT can be much simpler. It is more flexible too. JIT can be a lifestyle. JIT life would be a more simple, lean, and eco-friendly life. But it is weak in emergency. If you buy only wh en you need to use, you can't deal with a fire. You didn't buy an extinguisher. Therefore, I think 'JIT + an emergency plan' is the optimal for a lifestyle. What is an emergency? Emergency is when you can't take the worst possible outcome.