# Is The World Qualitatively Infinite? Or to say more simply, are there infinitely many properties in the world? I came up with this because as I study something, I realize that I don't know much more. And it seemed this is because I assumed the qualitative infiniteness of the world. There are infinitely many properties in the world but I only know finitely many properties. So I only know 0% of those properties in the end. (Finite) / (Infinite) = 0. On the other hand, Aristotle denied the qualitative infiniteness. So he immediately got my focus. In fact, he denied actual infinity at all. He accepted only potential infinity. Infinity as a potential. For him, since there are only finite properties in the world, he can know non-negligable amount of the truth. But since I still couldn't accept Aristotelian finitism in the end, I thought of compactness instead. Because in math, it is the standard way to finitely deal with infinity. Even if the world has infinitely many properties, it can be possible that assuming some finitely many properties can deduce the entire properties. So the finitely many properties can form an axiom system of the world. Oh wait. There are Godel's incompleteness theorems. That axiom system deals with natural numbers. Thus unprovable true sentences exist. However, because of this attempt I realized that I know THE ONE and [Divine Simplicity][0]. If you are an atheist, think this way. The big bang can non-logically substitute an axiom system of the world. So knowing only the big bang will suffice in the end. And the big bang itself is JUST the big bang. It has no property. It is simple by itself. It is just a point. It is just the start of the world. So I've ended up with this way. My answer is that it is infinite, but it is "from one to infinity". [0]: https://thricegreat.neocities.org/divine_simplicity.txt