# Increasing MFS Size I don't know when it has changed, but since then you can't allocat e more than 4G for a MFS partition in OpenBSD. However 4G could be quite small if you use /home as a MFS like myself. So how can you fix it? It's unbelievably easy. Open up /etc/login.conf, then you can find `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` daemon:\ :ignorenologin:\ :datasize=4096M:\ :maxproc=infinity:\ :openfiles-max=1024:\ :openfiles-cur=128:\ :stacksize-cur=8M:\ :tc=default: `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Change the datasize into a bigger number, like 16384M. Voila! Problem solved.