# If Something Becomes Big, It Will Fade The world population is about 7.9 billions now. That means a perso n is meaningless now, except a few. A point has no length. If something becomes big, it will fade. Think of a small local com munity. Like the one from Non Non Biyori. In this community, every person has meaning. Just because the community is small. Even the speechless brother has own meaning in Non Non Biyori. But this is not possible for a big city. Everyone in a big city must be a mach inary part by its size. A big thing also makes the world central. To deal with its complex ity, people will make things abstract. And that will make the worl d central. Because "abstract" means "without a detail", and "witho ut a detail" means "without a particular case". So how should we revert? Remove the major factor. In many cases, t he major factor is fancy technology. If that is not possible, then try to Balkanize. Mix and match small parts like an Unix system.