# I Have A Musical Idea More correctly, I just want to listen to a music resulted by this idea. So I wish someone in the future who is talented would compose it. I know that it wouldn't happen though. It's simple: I just want to apply 12 zodiac signs to the twelve-tone technique. Each tone means each zodiac sign. Each different instrument plays each zodiac sign. So there are 12 different instruments & tones that have similar characteristics with each zodiac sign. Assign each zodiac sign to its spatial position (the position on the zodiac). The listener is at the center. Each zodiac sign can have different octaves, accents, and durations. It doesn't have to go total serialism. Instead, I wish it could accurately depict astrological changes. When I searched about this idea, almost all I could get is assigning each zodiac sign to each chord. That's definitely not I want. I found Stockhausen's Tierkreis too. That's also definitely not I want. I don't know, maybe I should make it myself. But I don't have enough musical skills and astrological knowledge to implement this. I also don't have a strong passion to do all those stuffs. So I just wish this idea became someone else's motivation.