# I Don't Know What A Sense Of Belonging Is Or more correctly, I don't feel that I'm a part of any human group. I can feel that I belong to a certain person or things like nature, but I don't feel that for any human group. I don't feel that I'm a part of my family. It's not like that I hate my parents or something. It's more like, I don't feel that it's a group. Since I don't have siblings, it just means my father and mother. And I went to a boarding school and have lived seperately since then. In addition to that, my father occasionally go various countries for years for the work. It doesn't mean that I don't visit my father though. It often has been that father, mother, and me all live seperately. Then there are my friends. But I don't think that it's a friend "group". Especially after I became an adult, it has become hard to meet them simultaneously because of the schedules. Then I don't feel that I'm a part of my schools. Although I was once even in a student council, I didn't feel a sense of belonging. I just did what I should do and what I wanted. Then since I hate work and I'm interested in early retirement &c., of course I don't have a sense of belonging to that. Then I don't feel that I'm a part of the society. More correctly, the system. Since it's not an actual close-knited society. I don't participate (vote) in elections partially because of this. Then I don't feel that I'm a part of the humanity. While I'm technically a human, I don't feel that I belong to this grandeur concept named "humanity". It's just you and me. I don't care about the humanity at all. So to what I feel a sense of belonging? A certain person. It should be plural, but I mean each person. So I feel it's wrong to write "people". I can be exceptionally loyal depending on the person. Partially because I don't care about the system and its rules at all. Tradition. By saying "tradition", you should think of Greek mythology & philosophy, Beethoven's music, &c. Somewhat classical. The timeless things. Not customs. But those intersect a lot and I respect customs in that case. And I don't think that it should be too old to be a tradition. For example, I think arguably Unix philosophy could be a tradition. I feel that I'm a part of certain traditions. Nature. I feel that I belong to nature. I often feel that I'm becoming one with nature. Also seasonality. Nature changes her clothes and I myself follow that too. God. I feel that I belong to god. Especially when I find logos behind things.