# Fiction, Lie, Mimesis I have concluded that it's okay to lie. Because every fiction is a lie. I don't think everything should be a nonfiction. Though it depends on the kind of a lie. Everything is mimesis of Monad. Cells self-replicate. A son is mimesis of his father. Therefore creation is making mimesis. Aristotle was right about this. But it is not just about human nature. It is universal. It is inherent in logos. Thus denial of mimesis is denial of the creative force. If you argue that mimesis is necessarily worse than what it imitates, you are essentially Gnostic. Plato was too in this case. Iconoclasm is also quite Gnostic. Therefore fiction, lie, acting, roleplay, cosplay, or whatever kinds are not inherently wrong just because those are fake. It's just that there are good mimesis and ugly mimesis. Good mimesis shows eternal truth. Like numbers. But ugly mimesis harms people. Mimesis of a human body with the golden ratio is inherently better than a fraud. But the problem of it does not come from it being fake. That's my point.