# Federation vs Blockchain Federation is like every individual having own farm. A blockchain is (ironically) like a collective farm in socialism. Ideologically, I agree with federation much more. I've been thinking that each individual should have the power to make own destiny without any external power. However, a blockchain has a cryptocurrency to make shills. In other words, it gives an economical incentive to make its propaganda. That's extremely annoying, but very important. With a sufficiently decentralized nature, that makes a blockchain a self-propagating system. I don't think that any blockchain other than BTC, ETH, XMR is sufficiently decentralized though. So if we think of a blockchain as a species, its cryptocurrency works like sex. That's the point. Because of that, I think blockchain will win the battle although I support for federation more. At that time, federation will need another slogan than "Decentralize". Thus we should prepare another narrative too, since the narrative is "vs central services like Twitter" now. That makes no sense for "vs blockchain".