# Every Life Is Unique So while there should be public (transcendental) ethics to prevent obviously unethical things like genocide, everyone need own unique morality suitable for own unique life. But in languages, you can communicate with others despite the perceptions of what each word exactly mean are different. Similarily, you can communicate your own unique morals with others despite the subjective morals of people are all different. Of course, if two perceptions are fundamentally different, you can 't communicate. This makes a room for locality: Since environment affects a person's life, people within the same (or similar) environment often need or form similar subjective value systems to live their lives. So they can form a community. It also means that life is qualitative rather than quantitative. So I'm against all modern ideologies that treat life quantitatively like utilitarianism, scientism, capitalism, Marxism, electoral democracy, &c. For example, maximizing general happiness in utilitarianism is a nonsense because every life is unique and not comparable.