# Eternity And Temporality EVREKA! Eternity and Temporality correspond. As above, so below. Maybe I could call this a gnosis. How I have realized this is that alchemy and astrology correspond. Alchemy is the study of sun. Since gold is still gold even after thousands of years. The purpose of alchemy is to trasform the temporal (lead) into the eternal (gold). Hence it is the loyal art. Astrology is the study of moon. In astrology, every moment has a different meaning. Since the positions of stars and planets are different at each moment. Like the famous quote, > No man ever steps in the same river twice. > > Heraclitus However, alchemy and astrology correspond. For example, as I have written on my about page, "Mercury" means both the element and the planet. Perhaps that means eternity and temporality correspond. There is Jean-Pierre Serre's famous book, GAGA (Geometrie Algebrique et Geometrie Analytique). It is all about the correspondence between algebraic geometry and analytic geometry. Then think about it. Algebra is the study of structures. It is a study of sun. It deals with eternity. It deals with macrocosmos. It is all about arrows. It is the study of Narcissus. Analysis is the study of changes. It is a study of moon. It deals with temporality. It deals with microcosmos. It is all about tangent vectors and cotangent vectors. It is the study of Goldmund. The correspondence between those two fields means the correspondence between (Sun, Structure, Eternity, Macrocosmos, Narcissus, &c.) and (Moon, Change, Temporality, Microcosmos, Goldmund, &c.). Those are fundamentally different. But they correspond. How magical! Therefore the One and the All correspond. Though correspondence does not mean equivalence. Those two are still fundamentally different. And they have to meet anyway to make the philosopher's stone. Theory and Practice should meet. Narcissus and Goldmund should meet. But at least it means that we can go both way.