# Dual Power Outside of the false dichotomy of reform vs revolution, there is a strategy called "dual power". The strategy is basically like this: 1. Just build a new system that is independent from the old system . Don't care much about the old system. Don't waste your time on p ower struggles and so on. Just build. Hence the term "dual power". Ex) Twitter sucks. Then don't care much about it and just build an d use Mastodon, Pleroma, Misskey or whatever. Note that you might have to make the new system self-propagating. I think why bitcoin is so successful at using this strategy is bec ause of it. 2. Make people immigrate from the old system. 3. Then eventually outnumber it. There might be some conflicts bet ween the two systems. Thus you would need to manipulate and to att ack the old system in this phase. If not, that's great and just wa it some time. One advantage of dual power is that you already have built working solutions when the old system falls. One reason of why a reform/revolution fails is that when reformers /revolutionaries take the power, they don't know what things work so they eventually end up reviving old flawed solutions that work at least. Like Bolsheviks reviving some capitalism by NEP. Another advantage is that you can immediately live the life you wa nt at least partially. In contrast, all revolutionaries can do are just demanding and going on strike lol. Well, some succeed, but th at's basically a 100 or 0. There's no real between.