# Do Not Extrapolate Suppose that you got some data points, f(1)=2, f(2)=4, f(3)=6. And let's say the variable means time. Then will f(4)=8 be true? NOPE. You don't know anything about that. You can't know the futur e just with past data. MOORE'S LAW CAN'T BE TRUE FOREVER. What you were doing was just a speculation or a gambling. This is called ex trapolation. You can know the future, only with laws of the logic & nature. And with past data, you can just verify a hypothesis if it's replicabl e. In other words, you can verify the orbit of a planet with past data, and can know the place of the planet at a time by using the orbit, but you can't apply this to any other objects which would n ot have an orbit. But you can guess that f(1.5)=3, f(2.5)=5. This is called interpol ation and is totally fine especially if you can assure continuity. Because those are just missing data occured in the past.