# Disconnect! The internet ideology: "Everything should be connected." Though this ideology is not internet exclusive. The electricity, railroads, or even ancient Roman roads would be examples. I remember that I once read Thoreau ranting about the unnecessary connections via railroads. But I think that this ideology is the most prevalent in the internet. The antithesis of it would be "Disconnect". It doesn't only mean that you should stop using the internet. You should do the literal meaning of disconnecting. Fragmentize. Balkanize. Make your data be rotten in your hard drives. You know what? This is actually the ancient Greek way. Think about all those ancient Greek city states (poleis). Based ancient Greeks! Also think about how the orthodox church has continued this way. Modern Balkans are just continuing this way. Therfore, Disconnect. Not only from the internet, but also from everything else. Disconnecting will give you freedom.