# Beware Of Sequentiality To explain this, let's say you bought a TV. Then if you are a good boy, you will subscribe Netflix. If not, you will build a personal server and install Jellyfin. In that case, you will buy an additional HDD in the future. And in both cases, you will spend more time on watching TV. By that, you might find some type of "contents" (I hate this word) are interesting. So you would get that type of product in the future. And that will lead to future consumptions. (I don't know I could explain well because I don't watch TV anyway) I call this phenomenon "sequential consooming". But this sequentiality is everywhere, not just consooming. And it is not necessarily bad. For example, why I started to study math is because I once deeply fell into skepticism. In my middle school days, I was quite mentally unhealthy and can't believe almost everything. So I started to prove every statement on my math textbook. That was the only possible way to believe something. But you know what? The textbook contained V-E+F=2 (Euler's Formula). In other words, you can't prove it without some graph theory (I think this is the easiest way) or even algebraic topology. I was batshit crazy so I started to study analysis, topology, &c. to prove it. While studying these subjects, I forgot the original purpose. That was partially because I already graduated middle school far before. Also I became a bit mentally healthy so I was not that skeptical anymore. Anyway, when I studied algebraic topology, I realized that I completed the original purpose. It was just a corollary of simplicial homology. Actually it was (Euler characteristic) = 2-2g. Why V,F are (+) and E is (-) is that V,F are even dimensional and E is odd dimensional. A polyhedra is 2-dimensional so we only get 0,1,2 as the dimensions (Vertex, Edge, Face). Also a polyhedra has no hole (genus 0). But it didn't matter anymore. The original purpose induced a sequentiality, and that sequentiality completely changed my life. The sequentiality alone gave me graduate level math knowledge. However, whether it is good or bad, sequentiality affects your life far bigger than non-sequentiality. Because [Non-sequential] ~= one but [Sequential] ~= many. So you should be really careful of it. But you can detect sequentiality beforehand if you try. It is not even a hard thing. For example, you can easily know that making a website on neocities will induce a sequentiality. We just did not intentionally practice on this. Therefore we should intentionally practice on this at least from now on. Because there will be so many days until we die. And more the days, stronger the effects. We should control these from early on.