# Alienation: Loss Of Control I don't like the word "Alienation". But I would use it anyway since it is widespread. I think alienation just means loss of control. Or a result of it. It's a serious issue because of the same reason with Ted Kaczynski's "Power Process" argument on his manifesto. "Power Process" is just a kind of technical term for "Purpose". The widespread loss of purpose. That's what he wrote. What Marx wrote about it was just that in the mode of production where there are few capitalists and lots of workers, most people can't have the control. Marx was too society-oriented so he argued that we should collectivize the means of production to solve this issue. But I'm more inclined to self-sufficiency and everyone having the means of production privately. However, I think the alienation from technology is much more enormous issue. It's more serious since in addition to having no control, you can't even KNOW the mechanisms because of "Intellectual Property". The essense of free software is to solve this issue. Free software means software that you have control. But the current alienation from technology is because of the industrial revolution itself anyway. It has own limits. Therefore, go for primitivism. Use low-tech and simple materials instead. Be a neo-luddite. I remember that I once wrote a post about "Maximize your power". I still have this stance. But now I'm more like a "Control maximalist" in the sense of alienation. I still prefer "Power maximalist" than "Control maximalist" as the word for that though. It just feels like Nietzsche and sounds cool.