# Abduction In addition to deduction and induction, abduction also exists. Deduction is for a proof, and induction is for an emperical justification. They don't give you anything new. In contrast, abduction is uncertain, but it gives you new knowledge. ## Deduction A. A -> B. Therefore, B. ## Induction A1 -> B1. A2 -> B2. ... An -> Bn. Therefore, A -> B. ## Abduction B. A -> B. Therefore, A might be true. (A is a hypothesis) ### An example This bean is white. All the beans from the bag are white. Therefore, this bean might be from the bag. To use abduction, you should know how to choose the hypothesis. First, trim off possibilities by falsifying them. Then choose the simplest one. This is Occam's razor. The simplest one assumes the fewest, and is the most likely. In the last example, you might think the bean is white, because the bean might be a subject of radioactivity. But it is not simple, assumes more, and is less likely. So you should choose 'from the bag' hypothesis, rather than the radioactivity one. For more information, I recommend Charles Sanders Peirce and Umbert Eco. "The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce" by Umbert Eco is a good introductory book. For examples of abduction, "Sherlock Holmes" series is good.