# A Will Makes A Spacetime Distortion When I was daydreaming today, this thought suddenly came up into my mind. "By my existence, what in the world will change?" Almost nothing. I don't think that I could change the flow of the history. I will be definitely in the epsilon neighborhood. Though it doesn't mean that my life is meaningless because of it. I myself am also a microcosmos after all. Then a bird cried. And I perceived it as a soundwave. An individual bird made a distortion of the world. An individual will made a distortion of the world. Then an image of the gravitational tensor came up into my mind. After that, an image of a raindrop came up next. So I concluded: "Like a mass, a will makes a spacetime distortion and propagates it. By an action or an event. The size of the distortion depends on how strong the will is. Similar to how large the mass is. Those distortions constitute the world. The waves caused by those wills (raindrops) synthesize. It makes the world wave. Somewhat similar to how the electrons of a semiconductor make the bands. In the sense of matter waves. The image would be also somewhat similar to the DSGE model in macroeconomics."