# A Matrix Is A Coordinate But a linear map is not like a point. You can see a matrix as the coordinate of a linear map based on the specific bases. It really works like that. So if you have already known that [A Coordinate Is Not A Point][0], you might wonder if this is just like that. You might want to avoid matrices like avoiding coordinates. I appreciate it anyway since usually dealing with quality is much better than dealing with quantity. But no. Linear maps are not as pure as an Euclidean space. An Euclidean space and a Cartesian space are inherently different. The former doesn't assume even set theory. However, linear maps and matrices are not. There is already the ZERO linear map, 0(v) = 0 for all v. That map is the identity for linear maps and works as the origin point. There is already the origin point. The only lacking things are the directions and scales of coordinate axes. [0]: https://thricegreat.neocities.org/a_coordinate_is_not_a_point.txt