# A Coordinate Is Not A Point > The introduction of numbers as coordinates is an act of violence. > > Hermann Weyl A Coordinate is not a point. No, (1,2) is just a coodinate, and not a point itself. A coordinate system is useful for science, since you have to calculate quantities. But they have no geometric meaning. Although you can express a point as (1,2), that means nothing in geometry. Things having geometric meanings are independent of coordinate systems. Length, distance, angle, volume, &c. are all independent of coordinate systems. A Cartesian space is not an Euclidean space. An Euclidean space is a space which holds Euclidean axioms. You don't need even set theory to do Euclidean geometry. You need only Euclidean axioms and logics. A Cartesian space is R^n, the set of real n-tuples (x1,...,xn). Since a Cartesian space meets the axioms, you can interpret it as an Euclidean space. But it is just a specific case. It's not an Euclidean space itself. An Euclidean space do not assume a coordinate system and the origin point. A Cartesian space is by itself a coordinate system, and it has the origin point. For more information, I suggest "On the Hypotheses which lie at the Bases of Geometry" by Bernhard Riemann. He said, since a coordinate system is dependent on local charts, we should find invariants that are independent of coordinate systems. An invariant he suggested was the curvature tensor. I don't say a coordinate system is useless for geometry. But since it means nothing, it is useful only when you can get invariants by using it.